Sunday, January 16, 2011


  Demonstration is showing how a thing is done and emphasizing of the salient merits, utility and efficiency of a concept, a method or a process or an attitude.It is a dramatic performance.Demonstration makes us to be a good communication.In demonstration, the speaker should show the product and show them how to use it, tells all important things about the products in order to convince the audience that the product is a worth buying.
  In teaching demonstration, teacher should show to the learners the teaching strategy effectively. They should speak clearly. Before the demonstration the speaker should plan and prepare adequately,we should determine first our goals, the materials we need, our steps and rehearse. In the actual demonstration we see to it that the learners get and sustain the interest, focused clear is one important in demonstration. Make it sure that the learners cannot feel bored, so have a motivation to arouse them, to make them interested.
    All of us will experience this demonstration as a future teacher. So we should follow the teaching strategy to make our demonstration successful. Let us plan and be prepared for the demonstration.Don't let your feelings affect you.


Dramatic is something that is stirring or affecting or moving. It holds the audience attention and we can feel emotion. So, if our teaching is dramatized the learners can relate, get attracted and interested. They can easily understand. Dramatized experience can range from the formal plays, pageants to less formal tableau, pantomime, puppets, and role playing.
   In plays depict life, they offer excellent opportunities to portray vividly important ideas about life.Pageants are usually community dreams that are based on local history, it presented by local actors. Pantomime and tableau are less demanding in terms of labor, time, and preparations. These are purely visual experience.So, when we say pantomime it is the art of conveying a story through bodily movements only while tableau is a picture like scene composed of people against a background. Puppets is use as an instructional device, the show can involves the entire group of students. and another dramatized experience is role playing. ths is an unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a "let's pretend" situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teacher.
  This lesson reminds me with my experience during my high school. Our teacher give us a task to make a story and we will present it by dramatizing. And I remember that my role in that drama is a mother and became crazy because of many problems. After we show I was awarded as a beast actress because of my role that fit me. Another example is during my Humanities,before we start discussing our lesson, our teacher Ma'am Trabajo let us to show our individual talent. My talent is acting, I assumed that my mother died and I was really crying with a tears.
   So, through that dramatized experience I can relate, I can understand and it is interested to look and listen. Dramatized experience cater to students multiple intelligence.

Monday, January 10, 2011


  In this topic I learned that contrived experience  are edited copies of reality and are used as substitutes for a real things when it is not practical or not possible to bring . These contrived experience are designed to simulate to real life situations. In this experience we used models, mock ups, specimen and objects to overcome limitations of space and time, to edit reality for us to be able to focus on parts , to overcome difficulties of size, to understand the inaccessible and help the learners understand abstraction.  A mock- up is an arrangement of a real device or associated devices, displayed in such a way that representation of reality is created. It is also a special model are the parts of a model are single out.
   To make our classes interactive and to develop the decision -making skills and knowledge construction skills of our students we should use simulations and games. So, according to Orlich, et al 1994 their are ten general purposes of simulations and games in education.Like to develop changes in attitudes, to change specific behaviors, to prepare participants for assuming new roles in the future, to help individuals understand their current roles, to increase the students ability to apply principles, to reduce complex problems , to illustrate roles that may affect one's life but it may never assume, to motivate learners, to develop analytical processes ant to sensitize individuals to another persons life role.
   Games are used for any purposes like to practice or to refine knowledge/skills already acquired, to identify gaps or weaknesses in knowledge  to serve as a summation and to develop new relationship among concepts and principles.


    Direct purposeful are those firsthand experiences that make up the foundation of our learning. It lead us to concept formation and abstraction.They make us learn concepts and skills effectively by giving our student the opportunities to learn by doing, immerse our students in the world of experience, let us make use of real things as instructional  materials for as long as we can.  and lastly is we should help students develop the five senses to  the full to heighten their sensitivity to the world. These direct experience must not be the period of the end. We must be brought to a higher plane which is referred to here is the level of generalization and abstraction. Indirect experiences are those experiences of other people that we observe, read or hear about.
     Persons learn through the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. In the five senses sight has a greater percentage that are the people easily learned through seeing which has 75% followed by hearing(13%) then touch(6%), taste(3%) and smell (3%).

Sunday, December 5, 2010


  Using and evaluating instructional materials are very important to us as a teacher. In the selection of instructional materials using the cone of experience we must consider a guidelines or criteria because not all instructional materials are helpful to children. Because some of instructional materials are harmful and  not good to use.   Some of the criteria that are use to name a few is that "be the materials contribute meaningful content to the topic under study? and "Is the material appropriate for the age, intelligence, and experience of the learners? yes we must consider answering this criteria before using such instructional materials. So that it we be an effective one. It is useless if the materials  does not fit with the content to the topic under  the level of the learners, their intelligence and experience.So, be sure that it will help the learners develop their knowledge not to be confuses to them. 
   In using the instructional materials we should evaluate them before presenting it to the learners. So in presenting, teacher must prepare and should exert effort in teaching them.


 According to Edgar Dale, "The cone is a visual analogy and like all analogies, if does not bear an exact and detailed relationship to the complex elements it represent".So, a cone of experience is a visual model, a pictorial  device that presents bands of experience arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty. According also to  Edgar Dale that it is an effective tool to be use in classroom instruction more captivating and learning experiences more meaningful. Since students or pupils are visual learners then this cone will likewise be helpful and instrument to achieve school goals and objectives. Starting from the base we have direct purposeful experiences up to the pinnacle which is verbal symbols. It doesn't mean in the cone of experience that all teaching and learning must move systematically from base to pinnacle, from direct purposeful experiences to verbal symbol but we should continually shuttle back and forth among various kinds of experiences.
   In our teaching, we should not always gebin with direct experience at the base of the cone. Rather, we gin with the kind of experience that is most appropriate to the needs and abilities of particular learning situation.


Systematized instruction is an organized method and procedure that follows correct flow of instruction to attain instructional objectives. The systems approach to instruction is simple in theory but far from being simplistic in practice. In this lesson, I earned that as a teacher, there are lot  of elements or factors to take into consideration like the students needs, interest, home background .Following a systematic approach to teaching is very effective if it is correctly implemented
  The purpose of a system instructional design is to ensure orderly relationships and interaction of human, technical and environmental resources to fulfill the goals which have been establish for instruction .